Thursday, October 12, 2006

Fantasy / Reality

Sometimes its really hard to imagine... Is there a line that borders reality and fantasy? Are they two opposing realms or are they just there complementing each other? From what I know the only way to check if its real is to feel it or see it or, in general, sense it. Anything that you're not sensing is part of a fantasy.

Now here's the thing about love: when can you say that it is in fact just a fantasy or if its real? I have thought about this one a lot of times recently. Well, love is something that you feel and something that you want a person to feel. So what is that thin line between it, then? The key word is: feel. I should say that you may tell another person that you love her. Your feelings maybe real for you but not for her. You maybe just faking it because you wanted something from that girl like physical satisfaction of some sort. If its fake then it's just a fantasy. A guy's fantasy maybe a girl's reality. This is very possible. But there is an ideal thing where a guy's love is being reciprocated and both of them are in a single magical reality that both of them have created for themselves. This one is real even if it would seem to an outside eye as something crazy, stupid and fancy.

So if you see a couple somewhere and they are both so in-love, do not judge them. It might be that you are trampling on their magical reality.


howling said...

We are made to believe to rely on our senses to perceive reality, which are basically just the 5 senses... but as science progress we may yet discover more. Sense of time is one and there are whole more: X-rays for example cannot be seen or felt but they sure do exist. Some light sources are invisible, you cannot smell some of the gases... etc. We develop planes to break the bonds of gravity that keep us physically on the surface of the Earth; we develop complex experiments and gadgets designed to discover the truth about things independently of how they may appear. Love may just be one of them. In the movie 'The Fifth Element', Love is the last one after the earth, wind, fire, water.

Unknown said...

I totally agree with you on the science of the 5 senses. But love.. love can't be a science project (unless making love is one of the experimental aspects of it, then yes it might be).

Momel said...

If you're imagining something, then that's a fantasy.
You're imagining the line that borders reality and fantasy.
Therefore, that border is a fantasy.

I'm just playing with you.


Unknown said...

Heheh you got me there! This is logic now I kind of like the feel of it. Its like programming or taking high school geometry or something similar.