Friday, October 06, 2006

Prose: definitely better

I think I should stop writing about something just to make people think I'm capable enough to write stuff. I am not a writer for one. I don't even know what I'm doing here blogging. The previous blog was composed of simple words, because those are easier to read. I like it when people use simple words. What I know is that each of these blogs have their own stories that needs to be read. And I have my fair share of stories and ideas as well, so might as well write.

So why do people write about them? A whole lot of reasons, I dont even know. The joy of having a site available to everybody. Sharing experiences both good and bad, popular ones and some that are most hilarious. Simply having a place of your own on this virtual kind of world. Making your way towards a goal. Letting others know what you think and feel about something.

I say prose is freedom. It is the very backbone of our society or at least of the society I belong. Let people know that there is a voice somewhere on the deep recesses of this realm.

Little boy blue, come blow your horn... Enough of this already.


thinkerthird said...

I blog because I love to write even though I'm not a good writer. Had blogging been non-existing, I would have been insane right now, or maybe dead. I badly need it as a therapy. A loner person like me badly needs this vice for survival... and for keeping my sanity.

Momel said...

Give me anything but poems!

Goes without saying that you are enjoying this blogging thing, huh?

And that goes out to you too! @ Third

Har, cheers guys!

Unknown said...

This is a good vice if there is such a thing.. heheh. I totally agree with you that this is one form of therapy. @third

Yes I enjoy blogging now. I hope this will be a routine thing for me as well. @momel

lala said...

the best company anyone can have, especially when you're away from "home". It can get utterly lonely out here, you know. keep blogging.

howling said...

Blogging is cathartic as well... Purging your own demons. Better than plucking your own eyeballs when you feel apeshit. I guess that's the same as therapy. Lovely prose by the way. Happy Christmas guys!!!

Unknown said...

Yes very true one can get so lonely sometimes. I'll keep blogging from this point on. @lala

Yes cathartic is a good word here. I have a feeling this will be my purging routine or something related to that. @ howling

Thanks guys for dropping by, it is greatly appreciated. :)